Learner Qualities

I am learning how to communicate.

I'll know I can do this when I can identify a variety of ways I can communicate with others

Something that was challenging was trying to communicate without talking.

Maths Porowhita

I am learning to solve addition and subtraction problems with integers positive and negative numbers.

I'll know I can do this when I can solve simple addition and subtraction problems involving positive and negative numbers.

Next time I would like know what negative times tables are.

Writing: Information Report

I am learning to write an information report.

I'll know I can do this when I can plan and write an information reports with a title, topic sentence, and a group of facts about a subject.

Something that was challenging in writing was to write down all the facts in my information report.   

Reading: Papango

I am learning to apply my prior knowledge to a text.

I'll know I can do this when I can think of ways I have connections to a text and I can use those connections to help decode unfamiliar words and ideas.

Something I found challenging was completing all my SML's.